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Last Updated :2025/03/11

Takanori Omura
General Education Center
Foreign Language Lecturer
■ Career
- Apr. 2023 - Present
Fukuoka University, General Education Center, Foreign Language Lecturer - Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
Soka University, World Language Center, Assistant Lecturer - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2020
Public junior high school in Fukuoka, Full-time certified teacher - Oct. 2007 - Mar. 2014
Public elementary school / junior high school in Fukuoka, Part-time teacher / Full-time teacher
- Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
Soka University, Graduate School of Letters, International Linguistic Education: TESOL - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
Soka University, Faculty of Economics, the Department of Economics
Research activity information
■ Award
■ Research Themes
- Nov. 2023
JALT, 2022 Michele Steele BEST of JALT Award
The relationship between university students’ learner autonomy and their attitude towards the electronic portfolio
Takanori Omura
- The Relationship Between University Students’ Global Self-Esteem and Foreign Language Self- Esteem
Takanori Omura
Performance in Education Review 2020, Sep. 2022, :120 - 138, Refereed
Lead - A Study of Japanese University Students’ Self-Esteem and a Reflective Activity in the English Class
Takanori Omura
The Pan SIG Journal 2021, Jun. 2022, 7:249 - 258, Refereed
Lead - Developing Teaching Skills through Teaching University Students Creating a Deep Bond among Students under Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT)
Takanori Omura
Explorations in Teacher Development, Jul. 2021, 27(2):4 - 5, Refereed
Lead - A Study of Students’ Global Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
The bulletin of the Graduate School, Soka University Vol. 42, Mar. 2021, (42):463 - 477, Refereed
- The relationship between university students’ learner autonomy and their attitude towards the electronic portfolio
Takanori Omura
The Language Portfolio Roundtable Talk at CEFR & LP SIG, 02 Mar. 2022 - The relationship between university students’ learner autonomy and their attitude towards the electronic European Language Portfolio (eELP)
Takanori Omura
The 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 18 Feb. 2022 - The implementation of electronic European Language Portfolio (eELP) in a university English class and the effect on Learner Autonomy
Takanori Omura
The 41st Thailand TESOL International Virtual Conference 2022, 21 Jan. 2022 - The implementation of electronic European Language Portfolio (eELP) in a university English class and the effect on Learner Autonomy
Takanori Omura
World Language Center Professional Development Session at Soka University, 10 Dec. 2021 - The implementation of electronic European Language Portfolio (eELP) in a university English class and the effect on Learner Autonomy
Takanori Omura
CEFR & LP SIG Forum at PanSIG 2021 conference, 15 May 2021 - The implementation of electronic European Language Portfolio (eELP) in a university English class and the effect on Learner Autonomy
Takanori Omura
GloCall 2021 conference, 18 Dec. 2021 - "Developing Teaching Skills in Teaching University Students ~Creating a Deep Bond among Students Under ERT~ "
Takanori Omura
Teacher Journeys 2020: Experiences in Emergency Remote Teaching, 27 Sep. 2020 - Workshop for Eiken and TOEIC
Takanori Omura
Workshop for students at Soka University in 2020, May 2020 - A Study of Students’ Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
2020 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference at Hokusei Gakuen University in Sapporo, 01 Feb. 2020 - A Study of Students’ Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
2019 JALT International conference, 02 Nov. 2019 - A Study of Students’ Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
West Tokyo Jalt Chapter workshop, 06 Oct. 2019 - A Study of Students’ Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
MELTA Conference 2019, 14 Aug. 2019 - A Study of Students’ Self-Esteem and Their Attitude Towards Content-Based Classes at a Japanese University
Takanori Omura
TEFLIN international conference 2019, 09 Aug. 2019
- English I, II
99 Apr. 2020
Soka University - English
20 Apr. 2012
Public junior high schools in Fukuoka prefecture
■ Research Themes
- アクションリサーチの手法を用いた言語教育改善:CEFRの教育理念を参考にして
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Nihon University
Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
- Peer-review for PanSIG 2021 Journal
Patrick Conaway, Sep. 2021, Jan. 2022 - 2021 Performance in Education: Research & Practice Online Conference
David Kluge, 20 Feb. 2021, 21 Feb. 2021