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Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor

Tomohiro Ueno

Department of Sports Science/Department of Health and Exercise Science

Yoshinari Uehara

Life sciences, Life sciences, Life sciences, Life sciences

HDL metabolism, Membrane transporters for lipid metabolism and local renin-angiotensin system, Autonomic activity evaluation, Molecular Skeletal Musculology

Faculty of Commerce

Nobuyasu Uemura

Humanities & social sciences

School of Medicine
Lecturer/Senior Assistant Professor

Brian Waters

Life sciences

Faculty of Engineering
Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor


Informatics, Informatics

ハードウェアセキュリティ, Real-Time System, Virtualization, Embedded System, Computer Architecture

Department of Phatmaceutics
Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor

Soichiro Ushio

Life sciences, Life sciences


Eiichi Uchio

Life sciences

抗ウイルス薬, 免疫学, ぶどう膜炎, アレルギー, 感染症, ウイルス

School of Medicine
Lecturer/Senior Assistant Professor

Uchida Toshiki

Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Life sciences

電動車充電管理システム, タンデムエアバッグ, Apoptosis, Molecular oncology, Physiology, Electromagnetic Therapy, Sonodynamic Therapy

Department of Phatmaceutics
Post-doctoral fellow

Koya Uchino

Faculty of Engineering
Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor


Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering)

Bubble dispersion, Mass transfer, Gas absorption

Department of Phatmaceutics
Associate professor

Masanobu Uchiyama

Life sciences

Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor

Takuhide Utsunomiya

Department of Sports Science/Department of Health and Exercise Science

Umeda Yasuto

Associate professor

George Umemoto

Life sciences, Life sciences, Life sciences

obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, gerodontology, neuromuscular disease, swallowing function

Lecturer/Senior Assistant Professor

Hiroshi Urakawa

Faculty of Humanities

Masashi Urakami

Humanities & social sciences

Art Theory, Classicism, Early Modern Italian Painting


Hidenori Urata

Life sciences, Life sciences

Metabolism, Candiology

Lecturer/Senior Assistant Professor

Daichi Urushiyama

Assistant Lecturer/Assistant professor

Syugo Uwatoko

Department of Phatmaceutics

Takashi Egawa

Humanities & social sciences, Life sciences

公衆衛生, 災害薬事, e−ラーニング, 軽度認知症, がん化学療法, 災害医療