Search Details
Last Updated :2024/07/27


Department of Economics/Department of Industrial Economics

Researcher information

■ Degree
  • 博士( Economics), University of Toulouse
■ Field Of Study
  • Humanities & social sciences, Theoretical economics

Research activity information

■ Paper
  • Two-Dimensional Mechanism Design and Implementability by an Indirect Mechanism
    Naoki Kojima
    Theoretical Economics Letters, 12 Sep. 2017, Refereed
  • Implementability by a Canonical Indirect Mechanism of an Optimal Two-Dimensional Direct Mechanism
    Naoki KOjima
    Theoretical Economics Letters, 27 Feb. 2017, Refereed
  • Mechanism design to the budget constrained buyer: a canonical mechanism approach
    Naoki Kojima
  • Imperfect Competition in Differentiated Credit Contract Markets
    Kojima Naoki
    Annals of Finance, 2009
  • IPO Share Allocation and Conflicts of Interest
    Kojima Naoki
    Annals of Finance, 2007
■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • n/a
    Chinese Meeting of the Econometric Society, Wu-Han, China, 2017
  • n/a
    Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Hong-Kong, 2017
  • n/a
    Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Singapore, 2013
  • n/a
    European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Malaga, Spain, 2012
  • n/a
    European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Malaga, Spain, 2012
  • n/a
    6th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies, Mannheim, Germany, 2008
  • n/a
    2nd FLOSS International Workshop on Free/Libre Open Source Software, Rennes, France, 2008
  • n/a
    2nd FLOSS International Workshop on Free/Libre Open Source Software, Rennes, France, 2008
  • n/a
    4th International Industrial Organization Conference in Boston, US, 2006
  • n/a
    XXI Jornadas de Economia Industrial, Bilbao, Spain, 2005
  • n/a
    European Economic Association Meeting, Venice, Italy, 2002
  • n/a
    Econometric Society World Congress, Seattle, US, 2000
■ Research Themes
  • Mechanism Design and Budget-Constrained Agents
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    21 Oct. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2020