Last Updated :2024/12/21

近郷 匠



■ 学位
  • 学士(経済学), 早稲田大学
  • 修士(経済学), 早稲田大学
  • 博士(経済学), 早稲田大学
  • Ph.D (Economics), Waseda University
■ 研究キーワード
  • 科学計量学
  • オークション理論
  • マッチング理論
  • ゲーム理論
■ 研究分野
  • 人文・社会, 理論経済学, 理論経済学


■ 学歴
  • 2007年04月 - 2011年01月
    早稲田大学, 経済学研究科, 理論経済学・経済史


■ 論文
  • Equal support from others for unproductive players: efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    Annals of Operations Research, 2024年05月25日, 査読有り
  • Correction to: Redistribution to the less productive: parallel characterizations of the egalitarian Shapley and consensus values (Theory and Decision, (2021), 91, 1, (81-98), 10.1007/s11238-020-09781-1)
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Theory and Decision, 2021年07月01日, 91(1):99
  • Redistribution to the less productive: parallel characterizations of the egalitarian Shapley and consensus values
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Theory and Decision, 2021年07月, 91(1):81 - 98, 査読有り
  • Similarities in axiomatizations: equal surplus division value and first-price auctions
    Review of Economic Design, 2020年06月01日, 24(3-4):199 - 213, 査読有り
  • Correction to: Relationally equal treatment of equals and affine combinations of values for TU games (Social Choice and Welfare, (2019), 53, 2, (197-212), 10.1007/s00355-019-01180-y)
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Social Choice and Welfare, 2019年10月01日, 53(3):555
  • Players' nullification and the weighted (surplus) division values
    Takumi Kongo
    Economics Letters, 2019年10月, 183, 査読有り
  • Relationally equal treatment of equals and affine combinations of values for TU games
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Social Choice and Welfare, 2019年07月, 53(2):197 - 212, 査読有り
  • Balanced contributions based on indirect claims and the Shapley value
    Takumi Kongo
    Economics Letters, 2018年06月01日, 167:48 - 50, 査読有り
  • Effects of Players’ Nullification and Equal (Surplus) Division Values
    Takumi Kongo
    International Game Theory Review, 2018年03月01日, 20(1), 査読有り
  • The balanced contributions property for equal contributors
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Games and Economic Behavior, 2018年03月01日, 108:113 - 124, 査読有り
  • The balanced contributions property for symmetric players
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo
    OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, 2017年05月, 45(3):227 - 231, 査読有り
  • Axiomatization of the away goals rule in football
    Takumi Kongo
    福岡大学経済学論叢, 2017年03月, 61(1):5 - 12
  • Marginal games and characterizations of the shapley value in TU games
    Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2017年, 758:165 - 173, 査読有り
  • Further axiomatizations of Egghe's g-index
    Tsuyoshi Adachi; Takumi Kongo
    Journal of Informetrics, 2015年09月08日, 9(4):839 - 844, 査読有り
  • Properties based on relative contributions for cooperative games with transferable utilities
    Yoshio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    THEORY AND DECISION, 2015年01月, 78(1):77 - 87, 査読有り
  • An alternative axiomatization of the Hirsch index
    Takumi Kongo
    JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2014年01月, 8(1):252 - 258, 査読有り
  • On non-bossy matching rules in two-sided matching problems
    Takumi Kongo
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 2013年12月, 9(4):303 - 311, 査読有り
  • First-Price Auctions on General Preference Domains: Axiomatic Characterizations
    Tsuyoshi Adachi; Takumi Kongo
    Economic Theory Bulletin, 2013年05月, 1:93 - 103, 査読有り
  • An incompatibility between recursive unanimity and strategy-proofness in two-sided matching problems
    Takumi Kongo
    SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE, 2013年02月, 40(2):461 - 478, 査読有り
  • Whose deletion does not affect your payoff? The difference between the Shapley value, the egalitarian value, the solidarity value, and the Banzhaf value
    Yoshio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    European Journal of Operational Research, 2012年02月, 216:638 - 646, 査読有り
  • Value of games with two-layered hypergraphs
    Takumi Kongo
    MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2011年09月, 62(2):114 - 119, 査読有り
  • Non-cooperative and axiomatic characterizations of the average lexicographic value
    Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki; Rodica Branzei; Stef Tijs
    International Game Theory Review, 2010年12月, 12(4):417 - 435, 査読有り
  • Axiomatization of the Shapley Value Using the Balanced Cycle Contributions Property
    Yoshio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    International Journal of Game Theory, 2010年10月, 39:563 - 571, 査読有り
  • Difference between the position value and the Myerson value is due to the existence of coalition structures
    Takumi Kongo
    International Journal of Game Theory, 2010年10月, 39:669 - 675, 査読有り
■ 講演・口頭発表等
  • A family of values that satisfies efficiency and two fairness requirements assuming three players
    Takumi Kongo
    Waseda Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop, 2024年01月26日
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    14th meeting on Japan Association of Political Economy, 2023年03月03日
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    International Conference on Distributive Justice and Fair Allocation, 2023年02月25日
  • Equal support from others for unproductive players: efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    The Summer Workshop on Game Theory and Experimental Economics 2022
  • Efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia
  • Efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    The European Meeting on Game Theory (SING17), 2022年07月13日, the University of Padova
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    Microeconomics Workshop, 2022年06月10日, Keio University
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    Takumi Kongo
    The European (formerly Spain-Italy-Netherlands) Meeting on Game Theory (SING16), 2021年07月01日
  • Similarities in axiomatizations: equal surplus division value and first-price auctions
    Takumi Kongo
    The 20th Annual SAET Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2021年06月15日
  • A balanced contributions approach to a partially privatized firm in a mixed duopoly
    Takumi Kongo
    The Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications #11, 2019年11月08日, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao da Universidade de Lisboa
  • A balanced contributions approach to a partially privatized firm in a mixed duopoly
    Takumi Kongo; Masayuki Saito
    Summer Workshop on Game Theory 2019 Sendai, 2019年08月27日
  • Differential symmetry, symmetry, and differential merginality for TU games
    Takumi Kongo
    UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, 2018年10月25日
  • Relationally equal treatment of equals characterizes combinations of values for cooperative games
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    Summer Workshop 2018 Fukuoka, 2018年08月29日
  • Balanced contributions based on indirect claims and the Shapley value
    Takumi Kongo
    Waseda Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop, 2018年01月20日
  • Balanced contributions and null player out for the Shapley, equal surplus division, and equal division values
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    The UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, 2017年11月
  • An impossibility for strategy-proof and majority matching rules
    Tsuyoshi Adachi; Takumi Kongo
    Waseda Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop, 2017年01月28日
  • The balanced contributions property for equal contributors
    Koji Yokote; Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki
    UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications 2016, 2016年11月04日, Technical University of Lisbon
  • Marginalism and egalitarianism under the equal effect of players’ nullification on the others
    European Meeting on Game Theory (SING 12), 2016年07月13日, University of Southern Denmark
  • Further axiomatizations of Egghe’s g-index
    Tsuyoshi Adachi; Takumi Kongo
    East Asian Game Theory Conference 2015, 2015年08月24日
  • Further axiomatizations of Egghe’s g-index
    Tsuyoshi Adachi; Takumi Kongo
    Joint Conference on Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 8 and The 8th Pan-Pacific Conference on Game Theory, 2015年05月19日
  • An alternative axiomatization of the Hirsch index
    The Second International Workshop on Market Design Technologies for Sustainable Development, 2014年08月18日
  • Another axiomatization of the Hirsch index
    Takumi Kongo
    UECE Lisbon Meetings Game Theory and Applications, 2013年11月08日
  • Another axiomatization of the Hirsch index
    Takumi Kongo
    日本経済学会2013年度秋季大会, 2013年09月15日
  • On nonbossy matching rules in two-sided matching problems
    Takumi Kongo
    日本応用経済学会春季大会, 2012年06月09日
  • An Incompatibility between Recursive Unanimity and Strategy-proofness in Two-sided Matching Problems
    Takumi Kongo
    2011 SNU-Waseda Graduate Economics Workshop, 2011年11月04日
  • Recursive Unanimity, Strategy-proofness, and Non-bossiness in Two-sided Matching Problems
    Takumi Kongo
    The 7th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, 2011年07月20日
  • Whose deletion does not affect your payoff? the difference between the Shapley value, the egalitarian value, the solidarity value, and the Banzhaf value?
    Yoshio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 7, 2011年07月07日
  • Recursive Unanimity, Strategy-proofness, and Non-bossiness in Two-sided Matching Problems
    Takumi Kongo
    The Inaugural Conference of the Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics, 2010年08月24日
  • A Non-cooperative and an Axiomatic Characterization of the AL-value
    Takumi Kongo; Yukihiko Funaki; Rodica Branzei; Stef Tijs
    The 6th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, 2010年07月07日
  • Possibility of Individually Rational, Efficient, and Non-bossy Matching Rules
    Takumi Kongo
    GLOPEII International Young Scholar's Conference, 2009年12月06日
  • Axiomatizations of the Values of TU games Using the Balanced Cycle Contributions Property
    Yoshio kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 6, 2009年08月29日
  • Allocation Rules and Bargainings in Networks with Asymmetries
    Yoshio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    Waseda Game Theory Workshop, 2009年08月23日
  • Possibility of Individually Rational, Efficient, and Non-bossy Matching Rules
    Takumi Kongo
    The Sixth Asian General Equilibrium Theory Workshop, 2009年08月01日
  • Population Normalized Balanced Contributions Property and the Per-capita Shapley Value
    Takumi Kongo
    23rd European Conference on Operations Research, 2009年07月07日
  • Difference Between the Position Value and the Myerson Value is Due to the Existence of Coalition Structures
    Takumi Kongo
    The 5th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, 2009年07月02日
  • Axiomatizations of the Values of TU Games Using the Balanced Cycle Contributions Property
    Yohio Kamijo; Takumi Kongo
    日本経済学会2009年度春季大会, 2009年06月06日
  • Population Normalized Balanced Contributions Property and the Per-capita Shapley Value
    Takumi Kongo
    Game Theory Workshop, 2009年01月29日
  • Strategy-proof Mechanisms and Uniqueness of Matching in Marriage Markets
    Takumi Kongo; Taisuke Matsubae
    Games 2008 Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, 2008年07月15日
  • Strategy-proof Mechanisms and Uniqueness of Matching in Marriage Markets
    Takumi Kongo; Taisuke Matsubae
    日本経済学会2008年度春季大会, 2008年05月31日
  • Strategy-proof Mechanisms and Uniqueness of Matching in Marriage Markets
    Takumi Kongo; taisuke Matsubae
    GLOPE-TCER Joint Junior Workshop, 2008年02月09日
  • Cooperative Games with Two-level Networks
    Takumi Kongo
    The 3rd Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, 2007年07月06日
  • Cooperative Games with Two-level Networks
    Takumi Kongo
    21COE-GLOPE International Conference in Amsterdam, 2006年10月31日
■ 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題
  • 協力・非協力ハイブリッドモデルによる提携形成と利得分配の新しい分析
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(B)
    2022年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日
  • 公平な順位決定ルールと利益分配ルール
    2019年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
  • 協力ゲームにおける提携形成と利得分配の実験と新しい理論構築
    2017年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
  • 公平性を中心とした集団的意思決定における配分・評価の理論分析
    2015年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
  • 最小費用木問題における効率的かつ公平(衡平)な費用分担ルール設計
    2012年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日
  • 開かつ匿名な環境における共同成果配分問題の提携型ゲーム理論による分析
    2010年04月01日 - 2012年03月31日
  • 主体間の意思疎通構造が財の配分に及ぼす影響に関する理論的分析
    2008年04月01日 - 2010年03月31日
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