Last Updated :2025/01/03
■ 論文
- Perfomance Appraisal: Reinterpreting Tropic of Orange
Greg Bevan
Literature, 2023年03月, 3(1), 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Bowles’ Up Above the World as Beatnik Murder Mystery
Greg Bevan
CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2016年12月, 18(5), 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Change of Key: A Reinterpretation of Paul Bowles’ The Delicate Prey
Greg Bevan
Studies in English Literature, 2015年03月, 56, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Perception and the Postwar in Paul Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2022年06月, 54(1)
筆頭著者 - Charting a False Course in Robert Stone’s Outerbridge Reach
Greg Bevan
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2021年03月, 19, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - No Comment: Depictions of the Transnational in Paul Bowles’ Points in Time
Greg Bevan
Journal of Keio American Studies, 2020年09月, 1(1), 査読有り - A Lingering Sense of Absence in the Fiction of Vladimir Nabokov
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2019年09月, 51(2)
筆頭著者 - Seeking the Inaccessible in Robert Stone’s A Flag for Sunrise
Greg Bevan
Bulletin of the Central Research Institute, Fukuoka University, Humanities Series A, 2017年01月, 16(3), 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Orientalist on Trial: The Evidence of Paul Bowles’ Travels
Greg Bevan
Bulletin of the Central Research Institute, Fukuoka University, Humanities Series A, 2013年11月, 13(2), 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Progenitors Confronted: Poe’s ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ and Bowles’ ‘In the Red Room
Greg Bevan
Journal of the Poe Society of Japan, 2011年09月, 3, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - “Language Awareness, the Native-Speaking English Instructor, and the Japanese University
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2011年06月, 43(1)
筆頭著者 - Paul Bowles’ The Time of Friendship and the Scope of Expatriate Literature
Greg Bevan
Kyushu American Literature, 2010年11月, 51, 査読有り - Modes of Consciousness: Paul Bowles’ ‘The Hours After Noon’ and ‘Too Far From Home'
Greg Bevan
Bulletin of the Central Research Institute, Fukuoka University, Humanities Series A, 2010年11月, 10(5), 査読有り
筆頭著者 - "The Sentience of All Vegetable Things": Paul Bowles, Edgar Allan Poe, and the Paranormal
Greg Bevan
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2010年03月, 8, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Early Reports of the Death of God: Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky and Camus’ The Stranger
Greg Bevan
Kyushu American Literature, 2008年11月, 49, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Ode to a Night Game: Popular Culture and Irony in Richard Ford’s The Sportswriter
Greg Bevan
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2008年03月, 6, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Outside and Beyond Life: Paul Bowles’ Nonconfessional Fiction
Greg Bevan
Kyushu Studies in English Literature, 2007年03月, 24, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Beyond the Father and Son: The Rise of Modern Morocco in Bowles’ The Spider’s House
Greg Bevan
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2007年02月, 5, 査読有り - Two Approaches to Genre-Based Writing Instruction: A Comparative Study
Greg Bevan; Catherine Matsuo
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2006年03月, 38(1)
責任著者 - The American Journey Abroad: Bowles’ Let It Come Down and Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King
Greg Bevan
Kyushu Studies in English Literature, 2006年03月, 23, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - A Twenty-First-Century View of Bowles’ Let It Come Down
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2005年12月, 37(3)
筆頭著者 - Russell Banks’ The Sweet Hereafter and the Critical Quest for Blame
Greg Bevan
Kyushu American Literature, 2005年11月, 46, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - “The Impossible Flight: Paul Bowles’ ‘The Echo’
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka University Review of Literature and Humanities, 2005年09月, 37(2)
筆頭著者 - The Desert of Insight: Orientalism and Paul Bowles
Greg Bevan
Kyushu American Literature, 2004年11月, 45, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - "The Dark Apollo": The Portrayal of Science in Alice Munro’s "Vandals"
Greg Bevan
Kyushu American Literature, 2002年11月, 43, 査読有り
- William T. Vollmann: A Critical Companion
Greg Bevan
Studies in English Literature, 2017年12月, 94
筆頭著者 - Henry D. Thoreau: His Educational Philosophy and Observation of Nature
Greg Bevan
Studies in American Literature, 2015年03月, 51
筆頭著者 - Melville and the Wall of the Modern Age
Greg Bevan
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2012年03月, 10
筆頭著者 - Nakapunxet
Greg Bevan
Portland Review (Portland State University), 2007年07月, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - Outside the Aquarium
Greg Bevan
Salt Hill (Syracuse University), 2005年11月, 査読有り
筆頭著者 - North Woods
Greg Bevan
Northwest Review (University of Oregon), 1996年06月, 査読有り
- Paul Bowles - The New Generation: Do You Bowles?
Anabela Duarte; Editor, 分担執筆, The Perceptual is Political: Modes of Consciousness in The Spider's House
Rodopi, 2014年12月
9789042039087 - Reflections on Narrative: Interdisciplinary Storytelling
Stansbie, Lisa; Borlescu; Ana Maria; Editors, 分担執筆, Drawing from the Well: Paul Bowles, Mohammed Mrabet, and the Notion of Authorship
Interdisciplinary Press, 2013年10月
9781848882454 - ポストモダン・アメリカ : 一九八〇年代のアメリカ小説
安河内, 英光; 馬塲, 弘利, 分担執筆, リチャード・フォード『スポーツライター』--リアリズムの政治的含意
開文社出版, 2009年12月
- No Comment: Depictions of the Transnational in Paul Bowles’ Points in Time
Greg Bevan
First Annual International Conference of Keio University’s American Studies Association, 2019年12月 - "Imminence of Breakthrough": Transcending the Material in Robert Stone’s Bear and His Daughter
Greg Bevan
29th Annual Conference of the English & American Literature Association, Taiwan, 2021年10月 - Perception and the Postwar in Paul Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky
Greg Bevan
27th Annual Conference of the English & American Literature Association, Taiwan, 2019年11月 - Charting a False Course in Robert Stone’s Outerbridge Reach
Greg Bevan
26th Annual Conference of the English & American Literature Association, Taiwan, 2018年10月 - Myth and Insight in William T. Vollmann’s Last Stories and Other Stories
Greg Bevan
63rd Annual Kyushu American Literature Conference, 2017年05月 - Seeking the Inaccessible in Robert Stone’s A Flag for Sunrise
Greg Bevan
23rd Annual Conference of the English & American Literature Association, Taiwan, 2015年10月 - Destruction of the Ego in Paul Bowles’ Up Above the World
Greg Bevan
European Beat Studies Network Third Annual Conference, 2014年11月 - Crazy Rhythm: The Significance of Music in Paul Bowles’ The Delicate Prey
Greg Bevan
86th Annual Conference of the English Literary Society of Japan, 2014年05月 - Drawing from the Well: Paul Bowles, Mohammed Mrabet, and the Notion of Authorship
Greg Bevan
Second Global Conference on Storytelling, 2012年11月 - Missing Persons Report: Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita
Greg Bevan
57th Annual Kyushu American Literature Society Conference, 2011年05月 - Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka Research Society of American Novels, 2011年03月 - Predecessors and Parents Confronted: Poe’s "The Cask of Amontillado" and Bowles’ "In the Red Room"
Greg Bevan
3rd Annual Conference of the Poe Society of Japan, 2010年09月 - Ways of Knowing in The Spider’s House
Greg Bevan
Paul Bowles Centennial-International Conference, 2010年09月 - Modes of Consciousness: Paul Bowles’ "The Hours After Noon" and "Too Far From Home"
Greg Bevan
56th Annual Kyushu American Literature Society Conference, 2010年05月 - Citizens of Somewhere Else: Dis-Locating American Literature (Baldwin, Melville, Bowles)
Greg Bevan; David Farnell; Taras Sak
48th Annual Conference of the American Literature Society of Japan, 2009年10月 - Paul Bowles’ "Doña Faustina" and the Shadow of "Usher"
Greg Bevan
1st Annual Conference of the Poe Society of Japan, 2008年09月 - The Reagan Eighties, Realism, and Richard Ford’s The Sportswriter
Greg Bevan
54th Annual Kyushu American Literature Society Conference, 2008年05月 - Early Reports of the Death of God: Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky and Camus’ The Stranger
Greg Bevan
53rd Annual Kyushu American Literature Society Conference, 2007年05月 - Richard Ford’s The Sportswriter
Greg Bevan
Fukuoka Research Society of American Novels, 2006年09月 - Beyond the Father and Son: Two Cultures Meet in Bowles’ The Spider’s House
Greg Bevan
52nd Annual Kyushu American Literature Society Conference, 2006年05月 - The American Journey Abroad: Bowles’ Let It Come Down and Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King
Greg Bevan
58th Annual Kyushu English Literature Society Conference, 2005年11月 - A Tale of Two Syllabi: Investing in Writing
Greg Bevan
28th Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), 2002年11月
- 英語
西南学院大学 - 英語
福岡大学 - 英語
北九州市立大学 - 英語
九州大学 - 英語
- 2022年04月 - 現在
Editorial Board, The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan - 2015年03月 - 現在
English and American Literature Association of Taiwan - 2014年01月 - 現在
European Beat Studies Network - 2008年01月 - 現在
Poe Society of Japan - 2007年04月 - 現在
Fukuoka University American Literature Research Group - 2004年03月 - 現在
English Literary Society of Japan - 2001年09月 - 現在
American Literature Society of Japan - 2012年04月 - 2015年03月
Editorial Board, The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan