Population Aging, Retirement, and Skill Acquisition in a Growth Model
第14回若手経済学者のためのマクロ経済学コンファレンス, 2020年02月
Public-Private Sector Wage Gap and Corruption in a Macroeconomic Model
Kiyoka Akimoto
Journee Louis-Andre Gerad-Varet 2019, 2019年06月
Public-Private Sector Wage Gap and Corruption in a Macroeconomic Model
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium コンファレンス2019, 2019年03月
Corruption, Mortality and Fertility Rates, and Development
Kiyoka Akimoto
European Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society 2018, 2018年08月
Corruption, Mortality and Fertility Rates, and Development
Kiyoka Akimoto
China Meeting of the Econometric Society 2018, 2018年06月
Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model
日本経済学会2017年度秋季大会, 2017年09月
Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model
Kiyoka Akimoto
Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2017, 2017年07月
Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model
Kiyoka Akimoto
Public Economic Theory Annual Meeting 2017, 2017年07月
Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model
Kiyoka Akimoto
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society 2017, 2017年06月
Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model
Kiyoka Akimoto
Journee Louis-Andre Gerad-Varet 2017, 2017年06月
Dynamic analysis of bureaucratic quality and occupational choice
第11回若手経済学者のためのマクロ経済学コンファレンス, 2017年01月
Dynamic analysis of bureaucratic quality and occupational choice
Kiyoka Akimoto
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society 2016, 2016年08月
Dynamic analysis of bureaucratic quality and occupational choice
日本経済学会2016年度春季大会, 2016年06月