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Last Updated :2025/03/11

Katsumi Ueno

Faculty of Science

Researcher information

■ Degree
  • 学術博士, 千葉大学
  • 理学修士, 千葉大学
■ Research Keyword
  • Triassic
  • Geotectonic evolution
  • Southeast Asia
  • Tectonics
  • Paleobiogeography
  • Biostratigraphy
  • Permian
  • Carboniferous
  • fusuline
  • Foraminifera
  • Stratigraphy
  • Geology
■ Field Of Study
  • Natural sciences, Solid earth science, Geology
  • Natural sciences, Biogeoscience


■ Career
  • 2009 - Present
    Professor, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
  • 2007 - 2009
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
  • 1999 - 2007
    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
  • 1995 - 1999
    Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba
  • 1992 - 1995
    Research Associate, University of Tsukuba
■ Educational Background
  • 1991
    Chiba University, Graduate School, Division of National Science and Technology (except Gakushuin University, Konan University), 環境科学
  • 1986
    Chiba University, Faculty of Science, 地学
■ Member History
  • May 2014
    Editorial board
  • 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2013
    出題委員, 大学入試センター
  • Dec. 2012
    地球科学惑星委員会IUGS分科会ICS小委員会委員, 日本学術会議
  • Nov. 2012
    地球科学惑星委員会IUGS分科会IGCP小委員会委員, 日本学術会議
  • Sep. 2012
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, Associate editor
  • Aug. 2001 - Aug. 2012
    Voting member
  • Aug. 2012
    Voting member
  • Apr. 2012
    IGCP589 “Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes,”Project leader
  • Nov. 2010
    地質学雑誌編集委員,企画委員, 日本地質学会
  • 2009
    Task Group to establish GSSPs at the Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries, Leader
  • Oct. 2002 - Dec. 2006
    Editorial board
  • Nov. 2004
    Research Advisor
  • 2002
    Task Group to establish a GSSP close to the existing Bashkirian-Moscovian boundary, member

Research activity information

■ Award
  • 26 Jun. 2009
    The Palaeontological Society of Japan, 日本古生物学会学術賞
  • 2007
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier), Most Cited Paper 2003-2007 Award, 3Palaeo
■ Paper
  • Note on peculiar fusuline sample from the Pennsylvanian of the Cantabrian Zone (Spain): observations and intriguing questions
    Villa, E; Ueno, K; Merino-Tome, O
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2022, 52:108 - 119, Refereed
  • Carboniferous fusuline Foraminifera: taxonomy, regional biostratigraphy, and palaeobiogeographic faunal development
    K. Ueno
    Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 2022, 512:327 - 496, Refereed
  • Thailandina and Neothailandina and their family Thailandinidae salvaged: a valid taxonomic group of peculiar Permian fusuline Foraminifera
    K. Ueno
    Journal of Paleontology, 2022, 96:485 - 490, Refereed
  • First record of Late Pennsylvanian fusulinids from the North Tianshan belt, NW China
    Huang,X; Wang,Y; Ueno, K; Zhang, X.H; Jin, S.S; Chen, J.T
    Geological Journal, Oct. 2021, 56:6053 - 6072, Refereed
  • A peculiar fusuline assemblage from the Tanes locality, Campo de Caso section (Pennsylvanian, upper Moscovian; Cantabrian zone, Spain)
    Villa, E; Ueno, K; Merino-Tomé, O; Martín-Llaneza, J
    Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 2021, 36:91 - 110, Refereed
  • Late Pennsylvanian carbonate platform facies and coral reef: new insights from southern China (Guizhou Province)
    Maillet, M; Huang, W.T; Li, X; Yang, Z.Y; Guan, C. Q; Zhang, Y. L; Gong, E. P; Ueno, K; Samankassou, E
    Facies, 2021, 67(3), Refereed
  • 国内石灰岩の水銀含有量に関する研究
    中澤努; 坂田健太郎; 岡井貴司; 上野勝美
    石灰石, 2020, 424:72 - 81
  • Coral reefs and growth dynamics of a low-angle Carboniferous platform: records from Tianlin, southern China.
    Maillet, M; Huang, W.T; Miao, Z. W; Gong, E. P; Guan, C. Q; Zhang, Y. L; Ueno, K; Samankassou, E
    Sedimentary Geology, 2020, 396(105550), Refereed
  • 石炭-ペルム系秋吉石灰岩の堆積作用とカルスト化作用
    藤川将之; 中澤努; 上野勝美
    地質学雑誌, 2019, 125:609 - 631, Refereed
  • Litho-, bio- and chemostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic Carbonate Succession in the North Central Coast Region of Vietnam.
    Ha, T. T. N; Takayanagi, H; Ueno, K; Asahara, Y; Yamamoto, K; Iryu, Y
    Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2019, 6(1):47, Refereed
  • Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Triassic Hoang Mai Formation, Central Vietnam.
    Ueno, K., Ha; T. T. N; Iryu, Y
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2019, 49(3):339 - 354, Refereed
  • Anthracoporella–Palaeoaplysina mound in late Carboniferous mid-Panthalassan atoll-type carbonates in a Jurassic accretionary complex, central Japan.
    Tominaga, K; Ueno, K; Hisada, K
    Facies, 2019, 65(11):11, Refereed
  • Permian–Triassic back-arc basin development in response to Paleo-Tethys subduction, Sa Kaeo–Chanthaburi area in Southeastern Thailand.
    Hara, H; Tokiwa, T; Kurihara, T; Charoentitirat, T; Ngamnithiporn, A; Visetnat, K; Tominaga, K; Kamata, Y; Ueno, K
    Gondwana Research, 2018, 64:50 - 66, Refereed
  • Demarcation problem in fusuline classification: A case for Verella/Eofusulina discrimination.
    Ueno, K; Villa, E
    Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 2018, (33):215 - 230, Refereed
  • The Sukhothai Zone (Permian‒Triassic island-arc domain of Southeast Asia) in Northern Laos: Insights from Triassic carbonates and foraminifers.
    Ueno, K; Kamata, Y; Uno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P; Vilaykham, K; Martini, R
    Gondwana Research, 2018, 61:88 - 91, Refereed
  • Taxonomic and nomenclatural justification for the Triassic meandrospiral foraminiferal genus Citaella Premoli Silva, 1964.
    Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, A; Martini, R
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2018, 48:62 - 74, Refereed
  • Middle Triassic foraminifers from northern Laos and their paleobiogeographic significance.
    Miyahigashi, M; Hara, H; Hisada, K; Nakano, N; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P; Khamphavong, K; Martini, R; Ueno, K
    Geobios, 2017, 50:441 - 451, Refereed
  • Sandstone provenance and U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from Permian–Triassic forearc sediments within the Sukhothai Arc, northern Thailand: Record of volcanic-arc evolution in response to Paleo-Tethys subduction.
    Hara, H; Kunii, M; Miyake, Y; Hisada, K; Kamata, Y; Ueno, K; Kon, Y; Kurihara, T; Ueda, H; Assavapatchara, S
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017, 146(146):30 - 55, Refereed
  • Characterization of sulfate mineral deposits in central Thailand.
    Kuroda, J; Hara, H; Ueno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Maruoka, T; Miyazaki, T; Miyahigashi, A; Lugli, S
    Island Arc, 2017, 26:e12175, Refereed
  • Geological significance of the discovery of Middle Triassic (Ladinian) radiolarians from the Hong Hoi Formation of the Lampang Group, Sukhothai Zone, northern Thailand,L'importance géologique de la découverte de radiolaires du Trias moyen (Ladinien) au sein de la Formation de Hong Hoi du Groupe de Lampang, Zone de Sukhothai, Thaïlande septentrionale
    Kamata, Y.; Ueno, K.; Miyahigashi, A.; Hara, H.; Hisada, K.-I.; Charoentitirat, T.; Charusiri, P.
    Revue de Micropaleontologie, 2016, 59(4):347 - 358, Refereed
  • Geological significance of the discovery of Middle Triassic (Ladinian) radiolarians from the Hong Hoi Formation of the Lampang Group, Sukhothai Zone, northern Thailand.
    Kamata, Y; Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, A; Hara, H; Hisada, K; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P
    Revue de Micropaléontologie, 2016, (59):347 - 358, Refereed
  • 山口県秋吉台地域産の大理石石材「黒霞」から産するフズリナ化石
    上野勝美; 中澤努; 藤川将之
    秋吉台科学博物館報告, 2016, (51):9 - 23
  • 国内産古生代大理石石材の岩相とその成因
    中澤努; 井川敏恵; 上野勝美; 藤川将之
    石灰石, 2016, (399):20 - 43
  • 秋吉帯の海洋島起源の石炭紀-ペルム紀石灰岩におけるリンの偏在
    坂田健太郎; 中澤努; 岡井貴司; 上野勝美
    地質調査研究報告, 2015, 66(11,12):199 - 212
  • 東京都日出町産大理石石材「青梅石」
    中澤努; 上野勝美; 乾睦子; 鎌田光美
    GSJ地質ニュース, 2015, 4(10):283 - 284
  • Middle Permian sponge-microencruster reefal facies in the mid-Panthalassan Akiyoshi atoll carbonates: Observations on a limestone slab.
    Nakazawa, T; Igawa, T; Ueno, K; Fujikawa, M
    Facies, 2015, 61:15, Refereed
  • 山口県美祢市産大理石石材「霞」にみられる石炭-ペルム紀の造礁生物群
    中澤努; 藤川将之; 上野勝美
    GSJ地質ニュース, 2015, 4(5):129 - 130
  • Microbial community from the Lower Permian (Artinskian-Kungurian) paleoclimatic transition, mid-Panthalassan Akiyoshi atoll, Japan.
    Nakazawa, T; Ueno, K; Nonomura, N; Fujikawa, M
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015, 420:116 - 127, Refereed
  • An Early Permian fusuline fauna from southernmost Peninsular Thailand: Discovery of Early Permian warming spikes in the peri-Gondwanan Sibumasu Block.
    Ueno, K; Arita, M; Meno, S; Sardsud, A; Saesaengseerung, D
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 104:185 - 196, Refereed
  • Middle–Late Devonian radiolarians from Klaeng District, Rayong Province, southeastern Thailand: Geotectonic significance of the Rayong area as a continental margin of the Sibumasu Block.
    Kamata, Y; Kato, M; Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, A; Charoentitirat, T; Sardsud, A
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 104:197 - 204, Refereed
  • Late Permian and Early to Middle Triassic radiolarians from the Hat Yai area, southern peninsular Thailand: Implications for the tectonic setting of the eastern margin of the Sibumasu Continental Block and closure timing of the Paleo-Tethys
    Kamata, Y., Shirouzu, A., Ueno, K., Sardsud, A., Charoentitirat, T., Charusiri, P., Koike, T. and Hisada, K.
    Marine Micropaleontology, 2014, Refereed
  • Pennsylvanian-Early Permian cyclothemic succession on the Yangtze Carbonate Platform, South China
    Ueno, K.; Hayakawa, N.; Nakazawa, T.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.
    Geological Society, Special Publication, 2013, 376:235 - 267, Refereed
  • Carboniferous and Lower Permian sedimentological cycles and biotic events of South China
    Wang, X. D., Qie, W. K., Sheng, Q. T., Qi, Y. P., Wang, Y., Liao, Z. T., Shen, S. Z. and K. Ueno.
    Geological Society, Special Publication, 2013, 376:33 - 46, Refereed
  • Brachiopods, fusulines and palynomorphs of the Mengkarang Formation (Early Permian, Sumatra) and their palaeobiogeographical significance
    Crippa, G., Angiolini, L., Van Waveren, I., Crow, M. J., Hasibuan, F., Stephenson, M. H. and Ueno, K.
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 79:206 - 223, Refereed
  • U-Pb ages of detrital zircons within the Inthanon Zone of the Paleo-Tethyan subduction zone, northern Thailand: New constraints on accretionary age and arc activity
    Hara, H., Kon, Y., Usuki, T., Lan, C. Y., Kamata, Y., Hisada, K., Ueno, K., Charoentitirat, T. and Charusiri, P.
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 74:50 - 61, Refereed
  • 貴州羅甸羅悃剖面石炭系巴什尓階-莫浠斯科階界線研究.
    馬兆亮; 王玥; 王秋来; 星木勇作; 上野勝美; 祁玉平; 王向東
    古生物学報, 2013, 52(4):492 - 502, Refereed
  • Foraminiferal assemblage and depositional environment of the Doi Long Formation (Triassic Lampang Group), Northern Thailand
    Miyahigashi, A; Ueno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Kamata, Y
    Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2012, 33(Supplement 1):45 - 49
  • Basaltic activity preserved in an Upper Permian radiolarian chert from the Paleo-Tethys in the Inthanon Zone, northern Thailand
    Kamata, Y., Maezawa, A., Hara, H., Ueno, K., Hisada, K., Sardsud, A., Charoentitirat, T. and Charusiri, P.
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 61:51 - 61
  • Petrography and geochemistry of clastic rocks within the Inthanon zone, northern Thailand: Implications for Paleo-Tethys subduction and convergence
    Hara, H., Kunii, M., Hisada, K., Ueno, K., Kamata, Y., Srichan, W., Charusiri, P., Charoentitirat, T., Watarai, M., Adachi, Y. and Kurihara, T.
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 61:2 - 15, Refereed
  • Geotectonic implications of Permian and Triassic carbonate successions in the Central Plain of Thailand
    Ueno, K., Miyahigashi, A., Kamata, Y., Kato, M., Charoentitirat, T. and Limruk, S.
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 61:33 - 50, Refereed
  • Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Visean-Serpukhovian (Mississippian) boundary interval at slope and platform sections in Southern Guizhou (South China)
    Groves, J. R., Wang, Y., Qi, Y. P., Richards, B. C., Ueno, K. and Wang, X. D.
    Journal of Paleontology, 2012, 86:753 - 774, Refereed
  • Middle Permian sponge-microencruster bioherms in the Akiyoshi Limestone, SW Japan
    Nakazawa, T., Ueno, K. and Fujikawa, M.
    Geological Journal, 2012, 47:495 - 508, Refereed
  • Carboniferous and Permian
    Ueno, K. and Charoentitirat, T.
    In, Ridd, M. F., Barber, A. J. and Crow, M. J. eds., Geology of Thailand. Geological Society, London, 2011, :71 - 136, Refereed
  • Gzhelian-Asselian Palaeoaplysina-microencruster reef community in the Taishaku and Akiyoshi limestones, SW Japan: Implications for the Late Paleozoic reef evolution on mid-Panthalassan atolls
    Nakazawa, T., Ueno, K., Kawahata, H. and Fujikawa, M.
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011, 310:378 - 392, Refereed
  • A fusuline fauna from the basal part of the Sakamotozawa Formation in the Kamiyasse area, South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan
    Ueno Katsumi; Shintani Tomohiko; Tazawa Jun-ichi
    Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 2011, 26:23 - 41
  • 秋吉石灰岩中部ペルム系にみられる大規模干潟堆積物
    福岡大学研究部論集,C:理工学編, 2010, 2:5 - 21
  • Conodont and fusuline composite biostratigraphy across the Bashkirian-Moscovian boundary in the Donets Basin, Ukraine: The Malo-Nikolaevka section
    Nemyrovska, T. I., Matsunaga, M. and Ueno, K.
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2010, 28:60 - 66
  • Middle-Upper Permian foraminiferal faunal succession of Panthalassan mid-oceanic carbonates in the Kamura area, Southwest Japan
    Hoshiki, Y. and Ueno, K.
    Proceedings of 6th Symposium of the International Geological Crrelation Programme Project 516 (IGCP516): Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010, :102 - 105
  • Late Carboniferous-early Permian foraminiferal assemblages from the Doi Chiang Dao Limestone in the Inthanon Zone, Northern Thailand
    Miyahigashi, A., Ueno, K., Charoentitirat, T., Sera, Y., Kamata, Y. and Sardsud, A.
    Proceedings of 6th Symposium of the International Geological Crrelation Programme Project 516 (IGCP516): Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010, :94 - 98
  • Triassic shallow-marine limestone in the Central Plain of Thailand: Its foraminiferal age and geotectonic implications
    Ueno, K., Miyahigashi, A., Kamata, Y., Kato, M., Charoentitirat, T. and Limruk, S.
    Proceedings of 6th Symposium of the International Geological Crrelation Programme Project 516 (IGCP516): Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010, :37 - 39
  • 新潟県蒲原山地の足尾帯海洋性岩石から見出された放散虫・紡錘虫化石
    地質学雑誌, 2010, 116(2):118 - 123, Refereed
  • The Lopingian (Late Permian) of mid-oceanic carbonates in the Eastern Paleotethys: Stratigraphical outline and foraminiferal faunal succession
    Ueno, K., Miyahigashi, A. and Charoentitirat, T.
    Geological Journal, 2010, 45:285 - 307, Refereed
  • The Changhsingian Foraminiferal fauna of a Neotethyan seamount: The Gyanyima Limestone along the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture in southern Tibet, China
    Wang, Y,, Ueno, K., Zhang, Y.C. and Cao, C.Q.
    Geological Journal, 2010, 45:308 - 318, Refereed
  • End-Permian mass extinction and palaeoenvironmental changes across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the oceanic carbonate section in Neotethys
    Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Chang-qun, Zhang Yi-chun, Li Wen-zhong, Shi, G.R., Wang Yue, Wu Ya-sheng, Ueno, K., Henderson, C.M., Wang Xiang-dong, Zhang Hua, Wang Xiao-juan & Chen Jun.
    Global and Planetary Change, 2010, 73:3 - 14, Refereed
  • Lopingian (Late Permian) foraminiferal faunal succession of a Paleo-Tethyan mid-oceanic carbonate buildup: The Shifodong Formation in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China
    Ueno, K. and Tsutsumi, S.
    Island Arc, 2009, 18:69 - 93, Refereed
  • Classification of the Sibumasu-Paleotethys tectonic division in Thailand using chert lithofacies
    Kamata, Y., Ueno, K., Hara, H., Ichise, M., Charoentitirat T., Charusiri, P., Sardsud, A. and Hisada, K.
    Island Arc, 2009, 18:21 - 31, Refereed
  • Sedimentary facies of Carboniferous-Permian mid-oceanic carbonates in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China: Their origin and depositional process
    Nakazawa, T; Ueno, K; Wang, X. D
    Island Arc, 2009, 18:94 - 107, Refereed
  • A new fusulinoidean genus Dilatofusulina from the Lopingian (Upper Permian) of southern Tibet, China
    Wang, Y; Ueno, K
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2009, 39:56 - 65, Refereed
  • Fusuline foraminifera from the upper part of the Sakamotozawa Formation, South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan
    Ueno Katsumi; Shintani Tomohiko; Tazawa Jun-ichi
    Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 2009, 24:27 - 61
  • Pennsylvanian to Early Triassic stratigraphy in Alborz Mountains (Iran)
    Gaetani, M., Angiolini, L., Ueno, K., Nicora, A., Stephenson, M., Sciunnach, D., Rettori, R., Price, G. and Sabouri, J.
    Geological Society, Special Publications, 2009, 312:79 - 12, Refereed
  • Facies stacking patterns in high-frequency sequences influenced by long-term sea-level change on a Permian Panthalassan oceanic atoll: An example from the Akiyoshi Limestone, Southwest Japan
    Nakazawa, T., Ueno, K., Kawahata, H., Fujikawa, M. and Kashiwagi, K.
    Sedimentary Geology, 2009, 214:35 - 48, Refereed
  • Carboniferous-Permian long-term sea-level change inferred from Panthalassan oceanic atoll stratigraphy
    Nakazawa, T. and Ueno, K.
    Palaeoworld, 2009, 18:162 - 168, Refereed
  • Selection of the conodont Idiognathodus simulator (Ellison) as the event marker for the base of the global Gzhelian Stage (Upper Pennsylvanian, Carboniferous)
    Villa, E., Alekseev, A. S., Barrick, J. E., Boardman, D. R., Djenchuraeva, A. V., Fohrer, B., Forke, H., Goreva, N. V., Heckel, P. H., Isakova, T. N., Kossovaya, O., Lambert, L. L., Martínez-Chacón, M.-L., Méndez, C. A., Nemyrovska, T. I., Remizova, S., Samankassou, E., Sánchez de Posada, L. C., Ueno, K., Wahlman, G. and Work, D. V.
    Palaeoworld, 2009, 18:114 - 119, Refereed
  • Nature of accretion related to Paleo-Tethys subduction recorded in northern Thailand: Constraints from mélange kinematics and illite crystallinity
    Hara, H., Wakita, K., Ueno, K., Kamata, Y., Hisada, K., Charusiri, P., Charoentitirat, T. and Chaodumrong, P.
    Gondwana Research, 2009, 16:310 - 320, Refereed
  • 秋吉石灰岩から読み取る石炭・ペルム紀の古環境変動−美祢市(旧秋芳町)秋吉台科学博物館創立50周年記念巡検−
    Sano Hiroyoshi; Sugiyama Tetsuo; Nagai Koichi; Ueno Katsumi; Nakazawa Tsutomu; Fujikawa Masayuki
    地質学雑誌, 2009, 115(補遺):71 - 88, Refereed
  • Late Permian (Lopingian) foraminifers from the Doi Chiang Dao Limestone in the Inthanon Zone, Northern Thailand
    Miyahigashi, A., Ueno, K. and Charoentitirat, T.
    Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2009, 30(Supplement 1):40 - 43
  • Gzhelian-Asselian Palaeoaplysina reef in atoll carbonates of the Akiyoshi Terrane, SW Japan: A peculiar community in the Panthalassan reef evolution
    Nakazawa, T. and Ueno, K.
    Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2009, 30(Supplement 1):44 - 47
  • Mississippian foraminifers from the Onimaru Formation in the Hikoroichi area, South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan
    Ueno, K. and Miyazaki, T.
    Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2009, 30(Supplement 1):82 - 86
  • Choice of conodont Idiognathodus simulator [sensu stricto] as the event marker for the base of the global Gzhelian Stage (Upper Pennsylvanian Series, Carboniferous System).
    Heckel. P. H; Alekseev, A. S; Barrick, J. E; Boardman, D. R; Goreva, N. V; Nemirovska, T. I; Ueno, K; Villa, E; Work, D. M
    Episodes, 2008, 31(3):319 - 325, Refereed
  • ウクライナ,ドネツ炭田における上部石炭系Bashkirian-Moscovan境界
    上野勝美; Nemyrovska, T. I
    地学雑誌, 2008, 117(5):919 - 932
  • 海山被覆性浅海石灰岩から解読された石炭・ペルム紀の気候・海水準変動−秋吉石灰岩での事例研究−.
    佐野弘好; 上野勝美; 大国谷彰人
    石灰石, 2008, (353):46 - 64
  • Problemy korrelyatsii otlozheniy moskovskogo yarusa (Karbon) Donetskogo Basseyna i Moskovskoy Sineclizy. In, Gozhik, P. F. ed., Biostratigrafichni Osnovi Pobudovi Stratigrafichnikh Skhem Fanerozoyu Ukraini.
    Nemyrovska, T; Ueno, K
    Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Instituta Geologicheskikh Nauk NAN Ukrainy, Kiev, 2008, :360 - 370
  • 新潟県青海石灰岩の中部ペルム系にみられる陸上露出層準と干潟堆積物.
    早川直樹; 中澤努; 上野勝美
    福岡大学理学集報, 2008, 38(1):59 - 73
  • A new Pennsylvanian fusuline fauna from northern Laos.
    Ueno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Kamata, Y; Hara, H; Ichise, M; Charusiri, P; Khamphavong, K; Hisada, K
    Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2007, 24(4):359 - 369, Refereed
  • The Pennsylvanian (Moscovian) Izvarino section, Donets Basin, Ukraine: A multidisciplinary study on microfacies, biostratigraphy (conodonts, foraminifers, and ostracodes), and paleoecology.
    Fohler, B; Smankassou, E; Nemyrovska, T; Ueno, K
    Journal of Paleontology, Memoir, 2007, 69(69):1 - 85, Refereed
  • Isotopic chemostratigraphy of the microbialite-bearing Permian-Triassic boundary section in the Zagros Mountains, Iran.
    Wang, W; Kano, A; Okumura, T; Ma, Y. S; Matsumoto, R; Matsuda, N; Ueno, K; Chen, X. Z; Kakuwa, Y; Gharaie, M. H. M; Ilkhchi, M. R
    Chemical Geology, 2007, 244:708 - 714, Refereed
  • Cyclothem [“digital”] correlation and biostratigraphy across global Moscovian-Kasimovian-Gzhelian Stage boundary interval (Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian Series) in North America and Eurasia.
    Heckel, P. H; Alekseev, A. S; Barrick, J. E; Boardman, D. R; Goreva, N. V; Nemyrovska, T. I; Ueno, K; Villa, E; Work, D. M
    Geology, 2007, 35:607 - 610, Refereed
  • K voprosu o lektotipe vida Rauserites rossicus (Schellwien, 1908) [Foraminifera] iz otlozheniy Gzhel’skogo yarusa Donbassa i Podmoskov’ya. In, Palontologichni Doslidzhennya v Ukraini
    Isakova T. N; Ueno, K
    Istoriya, Suchasniy Stan ta Perspektivi. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Instituta Geologicheskikh Nauk NAN Ukrainy, Kiev, 2007, :105 - 109
  • Fusuline foraminifera from the basal part of the Sakamotozawa Formation, South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan.
    Ueno, K; Tazawa, J; Shintani, T
    Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 2007, (22):15 - 33
  • Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Carbonate Succession from Shallow Marine to Slope in Southern Guizhou: Bashkirian-Moscovian-Kasimocian-Gzhelian Boundary Intervals, and Cyclothemic Succession.
    Wang, Y; Ueno, K; Qi, Y. P
    XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian (ICCP2007), Field Excursion C3 Guidebook, 2007, :1 - 70
  • 福岡市志賀島北西部の志賀島花崗閃緑岩中に発達する断裂系.
    柚原雅樹; 鮎沢潤; 森重沙織; 阿部宏子; 砂押智浩; 村上恵理; 久保有未; 片淵康隆; 村上敬太郎; 丹孝博; 宮崎友紀; 丸尾寛人; 田中晋; 山崎真理奈; 松岡文和; 三角拓也; 白石融; 守安誠; 安部佑輔; 河本広美; 西川角人; 上野勝美
    福岡大学理学集報, 2006, 36(2):63 - 81
  • On the lithostratigraphy of Permian rocks in Thailand: Implications for depositional environments and tectonic settings.
    Assavapatchara, S; Charusiri, P; Charoentitirat, T; Chutakositkanon, V; Hisada, K; Ueno, K
    Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand, 2006, 2005-2006(1):27 - 48, Refereed
  • Middle Permian fusulinoideans from Hatahoko in the Nyukawa area, Gifu Prefecture, Mino Belt, central Japan.
    Ueno, K; Tazawa, J; Miyake, Y
    Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 2006, (21):47 - 72
  • The Permian antitropical fusulinoidean genus Monodiexodina: Distribution, taxonomy, paleobiogeography, and paleoecology.
    Ueno, K
    Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2006, 26(3,4):380 - 404, Refereed
  • Taphonomy, palaeobotany and sedimentology of the Mengkarang Formation (Early Permian, Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia). In, Lucas, S. G. and Zeigler, K. E., eds., The Nonmarine Permian
    Waveren, I. M; Hasibuan, F; Suyoko, Makmur; de Boer; P. L; Chaney, D; Ueno, K; Booi, M; Iskandar; E. P. A; King; CH. I; de Leeuw; J. H. V. M; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert; J. H. A
    New Meixco Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 2005, (30):333 - 341
  • Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia: Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment in Eastern Tethys (IGCP516).
    Ueno, K; Hara, H; Kamata, Y; Hisada, K
    2005, - 136
  • Fusulinoideans from the early Midian (late Middle Permian) Metadoliolina dutkevitchi-Monodiexodina sutchanica Zone of the Senkina Shapka Section, South Primorye, Far East Russia.
    Ueno, K; Shi, G. R; Shen, S. Z
    Alcheringa, 2005, 29:257 - 274, Refereed
  • Early Permian ammonoids from the Kaeng Krachan Group of the Phatthalung-Hat Yai area, southern peninsular Thailand.
    Fujikawa, M; Ueno, K; Sardsud, A; Saengsrichan, W; Kamata, Y; Hisada, K
    Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2005, 24(6):739 - 752, Refereed
  • Carboniferous-Permian mid-oceanic carbonates of the Paleo-Tethys in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China.
    Nakazawa, T; Ueno, K; Wang, X. D
    The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 2005, 111(1):I - I-II, Refereed
  • Sequence boundary and related sedimentary and diagenetic facies formed on Middle Permian mid-oceanic carbonate platform: Core observation of Akiyoshi Limestone, Southwest Japan.
    Nakazawa, T; Ueno, K
    Facies, 2004, 50(2):301 - 311, Refereed
  • Monodiexodina from the Permian Oguradani Formation, Hida Gaien Belt, central Japan.
    Ueno, K; Tazawa, J
    Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 2004, 19(19):25 - 33
  • Missing ophiolitic rocks along the Mae Yuam Fault as the Gondwana/Tethys divide in northwest Thailand.
    Hisada, K; Sugiyama, M; Ueno, K; Charusiri, P; Arai, S
    The Island Arc, 2004, 13(1):119 - 127, Refereed
  • Fusulinoideans from the Puentelles Formation (Upper Carboniferous, NW Spain): discussion on phylogeny, paleoecology and biogeography.
    Villa, E; Merino-Tome, O; Bahamonde, J. R; Ueno, K
    Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 2003, 109(2):241 - 253, Refereed
  • Fusulinoidean faunal succession of a Paleo-Tethyan oceanic seamount in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China: An overview.
    Ueno, K; Wang, Y. J; Wang X. D
    The Island Arc, 2003, 12(2):145 - 161, Refereed
  • Monodiexodina from the Daheshen Formation, Jilin, Northeast China.
    Ueno, K; Tazawa, J
    Science Reports of Niigata University, Series E (Geology), 2003, 18(18):1 - 16
  • Permian fusulinoidean faunas of the Sibumasu and Baoshan blocks: their implications for the paleobiogeographic and paleoclimatologic reconstruction of the Cimmerian Continent.
    Ueno, K
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2003, 193(1):1 - 24, Refereed
  • Artinskion conodonts from the Dingjiazhai Formation of the Baoshan Block, west Yunnan, Southwest China
    UENO K.
    Journal of Paleontology, 2002, 76:76(4), 741 - 750, Refereed
  • Mizukuchi Formation - a newly proposed component of the Kurosegawa Belt in the Kanto Mountains.
    Hisada, K; Okuzawa, K; Horiuchi, Y; Tokumine, S; Ueno, K; Hara, H
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba, 2002, 28(28):35 - 39, Refereed
  • Caracteristics and paleogeographic affinities of the early Gzhelian fusulinoideans from the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain).
    Villa, E; Ueno, K
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(3):135 - 154, Refereed
  • Triasic radiolarian faunas from the Mae Sariang area, northern Thailand and their paleogeograpghic significance.
    Kamata, Y; Sashida, K; Ueno, K; Hisada, K; Nakornsri, N; Charusiri, P
    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2002, 20(4):491 - 506, Refereed
  • Distinctive features of Late Carboniferous fusulinacean faunas from the western Paleo-Tethyan realm. In, Hills, L. V., Henderson, C. M. and Bamber, E. W.
    Villa, E; Dzhenchuraeva, A; Forke, H. C; Ueno, K
    Carboniferous and Permian of the world, XIV International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoirs 19, 2002, :609 - 615, Refereed
  • Jinzhangia a new staffellid fusulinoiden from the Middle Permian Daaozi Formation of the Badshan Block West Yunnan, China
    Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, :31(3), 233 - 243, Refereed
  • Fusulinoidea. In, Ikeya, N., Hirano, H., and Ogasawara, K.
    Ueno, K
    The Database of Japanese Fossil Type Specimens described during the 20th Century, Palaeontological Society of Japan, Special Paper, 2001, (39):178 - 220, Refereed
  • Late Paleozoic faunal, climatic, and geographic changes in the Baoshan block as a Gondwana-derived continental fragment in southwest China.
    Wang, X. D; Ueno, K; Mizuno, Y; Sugiyama, T
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2001, 170:197 - 218, Refereed
  • Permian fusulinacean faunas of the Sibumasu and Baoshan blocks implications for the paleogeographic reconstructions of the Cimmecian continent
    Geosciences Journal, 2000, 4(special ed.):160 - 163
  • Detrital chromian spinels from the Nam Maholan Formation, Loei area, northern Thailand.
    Sugiyama, M; Hisada, K; Charusiri, P; Ueno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Sashida, K; Arai, S
    Annual Report of the Instiute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba, 2000, 26(26):31 - 36
  • 真西保山地区石炭紀、二畳紀古動物地理演化.
    王向東; 杦山哲男; 上野勝美; 水野嘉宏; 李一軍; 王偉; 段衛先; 姚金昌
    古生物学報, 2000, 39(4):493 - 506, Refereed
  • Late Permian to Middle Triassic radiolarian faunas from northern Thailand.
    Sashida, K; Igo, H; Adachi, S; Ueno, K; Kajiwara, Y; Nakornsri, N; Sardsud, A
    Journal of Paleontology, 2000, 74(5):789 - 811, Refereed
  • Carboniferous and Triassic radiolarian faunas from the Saba Yoi area, southernmost part of Penninsular Thailand and their paleogeographic significance.
    Sashida, K; Nakornsri, N; Ueno, K; Sardsud, A
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 2000, 21:71 - 99
  • IndochinaとSibumasuの衝突によるPaleo-Tethysの閉塞
    上野 勝美; 久田 健一郎
    月刊地球, 1999, 21(12):832 - 839
  • ロシア卓状地における上部石炭系の有孔虫・コノドント複合生層序(予報)
    UENO Katsumi; MIZUNO Yoshihiro; NEMIROVSKAYA Tamara I.; ALEKSEEV Alexander S.
    地学雑誌, 1999, 108(3):294 - 299
  • Peri-Gondwanan sequences of Carboniferous and Permian age in the Baoshan Block, West Yunnan, Southwest China. In, Ratanasthien, B. and Rieb, S. L. eds. ,
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys 5, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 1999, :88 - 100
  • Carboniferous foraminifers from the Otakatori-yama area, eastern Kanto mountain, Central Japan
    Annual Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba, 1999, (25):27 - 33
  • Lithofacies and biofacies of the Khlong Kon Limest one, southern Peninsular Thailand. In Ratanasthien, B. and Rieb, S. L. eds.
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys5, Chang Mai University, Chaiang Mai, 1999, :228 - 241
  • Gondwana/Tethys divide in East Asia : solution from Late Paleozoic forminiferal paleobiogeography.
    UENO K.
    In, Rat anasthien, B. and Rieb, S. L. eds. , Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys 5, Chiang Mai University, Chiange Mai, 1999, 5:45 - 54
  • 中国雲南省西部の分裂移動地隗群の古生物地理学的研究(予報)
    SUGIYAMA Tetsuo; UENO Katsumi
    地学雑誌, 1998, 107(4):549 - 558
  • タイ国半島部のPhatthalung地域から産するDienerian(下部三畳系)放散虫のペルム紀-三畳紀(P/T)境界付近の放散虫生層序
    大阪微化石研究会誌, 1998, 11(特別号11):59 - 70, Refereed
  • Fusulinids from the Donets Basin(Preliminary stratigraphic observation)
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 1998, 16:6 - 7
  • Late Plaeozoic radiolarian faunas from northern and northeastern Thailand.
    Sashida Katsuo; Igo Hisayoshi; Adachi Shuko; Ueno Katsumi; Nakornsri Nikorn; Sardsud Apsorn
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscince, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 1998, 19:1 - 27
  • Robustoschwagerina-bearing limest one pebbles from southern Laos
    Ueno Katsumi
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba no, 1998, 24(24):57 - 64
  • Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy of the Baoshan Block, Wast Yunnan, Southwest China.
    Permophiles(Newsletter on the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy), 1998, (32):38 - 40
  • Late Paleozoic foraminifers from the Chiang Dao area, northern Thailand : Geologic age, faunal affinity, and paleobiogeographic implications.
    UENO K.
    Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 1997, 157:339 - 358
  • Late Carboniferous-Early Permian fusulinacean fauna of Loei, Northeast Thailand : A preliminary report.
    Late Paleozoic Foraminifera : their biostratigraphy, evolution, and paleoecology ; and the Mid-Carboniferous boundary, Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal research, Special Publication, 1997, (36):17 - 20, Refereed
  • Conodont and foraminiferal faunal changes across the Mid-Carboniferous boundary in the Hina Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Mizuno, Y.; Ueno, K.
    Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 1997, 157:189 - 205
  • Early Carboniferous foraminifers from the Mobarak Formation of Shahmirzad, Northeastern Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran.
    UENO K
    Late Paleozoic Foraminifera : their biostratigraphy, evolution, and paleoecology ; and the Mid-Carboniferous boundary, Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal research, Special Publication, 1997, (36):149 - 152, Refereed
  • Late Triassic radiolarians from siliceous bedded limestone in West Timor.
    Professor Hisayoshi Igo Commemorative Volume on Geology and Paleontology of Japan and Southeast Asia, Gakujutsu Tosho Insatsu, 1996, :225 - 234
  • A new Moscovian foraminiferal fauna from Huai Luang, east of Wang Saphung, Changwat Loei, Northeast Thailand.
    Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Science, 1996, 14(1-2):79 - 89, Refereed
  • Mesoschubertella(Permian Fusulinacea)from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno Katsumi
    Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-dai Museum of Natural History, 1996, (31):21 - 31
  • Discovery of Permian foraminifers and corals from the Ratburi Limestone of the Phatthalung area, southern Peninsular Thailand.
    Professor Hisayoshi Igo Commemorative Volume on Geology and Paleontology of Japan and Southeast Asia, Gakujutsu Tosho Insatsu, 1996, :201 - 216
  • Late Early to Middle Permian fusulinacean biostratigraphy of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan, with special reference to the verbeekinid and neoschwagerinid fusulinacean biostratigraphy and evolution.
    UENO K.
    Supplemento agli Annali dei Musei Civici di Rovereto Sezione Archeologia, Storia e Scienze Naturali, 1996, 11:77 - 104
  • Upper Carboniferous foraminifers from Phu Tham Maholan, southeast of Wang Saphung, Changwat Loei, Northeast Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Nagai, K; Nakornsri, N; Sugiyama, T
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 1995, 16:29 - 37
  • Carboniferous fossils from limestone pebbles in a conglomerate of the Early Cretaceous Yuno Formation, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K; Maruyama, T; Hisada, K; Igo, H
    The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 1994, 100(2):181 - 184, Refereed
  • Middle Carboniferous foraminifers from Ban Sup, Changwat Loei, Northeastern Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Nagai, K; Nakornsri, N; Sugiyama, T
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 1994, 15:15 - 45
  • Levenella, a new name for Levenia Ueno, 1991 (Foraminiferida, Fusulinacea), non Gray, 1847.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1994, (173):405 - 405, Refereed
  • Carboniferous foraminifers from the lowermost part of the Omi Limestone Group, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan.
    Ueno, K; Nakazawa, T
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 1993, 14:1 - 51
  • Middle and Upper Carboniferous fusulinaceans from the Taishaku Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K; Mizuno, Y
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1993, (170):133 - 158, Refereed
  • Upper Carboniferous foraminifers from Ban Na Din Dam, Changwat Loei, northeastern Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Igo, H
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1993, (171):213 - 228, Refereed
  • Middle Permian foraminifers from Ban Nam Suai Tha Sa-at, Changwat Loei, northeast Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Sakagami, S
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1993, (172):277 - 291, Refereed
  • Lower Permian fusulinaceans from Ban Phia, Changwat Loei, northeastern Thailand.
    Igo, H; Ueno, K; Sashida, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1993, 169(169):15 - 43, Refereed
  • Permian aberrant fusulinaceans from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section B=Geological Sciences, 1992, 13:1 - 13
  • Verbeekinid and neoschwagerinid fusulinaceans from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group above the Parafusulina kaerimizensis Zone, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1992, (165):1040 - 1069, Refereed
  • Permian foraminifers from the Takakurayama Group of the southern Abukuma Mountains, northeast Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1992, 168(168):1265 - 1295, Refereed
  • Pamirina (Permian Fusulinacea) from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1991, (161):739 - 750, Refereed
  • Upper Carboniferous fusulinaceans from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1991, 163(163):807 - 827, Refereed
  • Late Permian fusulinacean fauna of Doi Pha Phlung, North Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Sakagami, S
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1991, (164):928 - 943, Refereed
  • Early evolution of the families Verbeekinidae and Neoschwagerinidae (Permian Fusulinacea) in the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1991, (164):973 - 1002, Refereed
  • A peculiar fusulinacean fauna from the Yasuba Conglomerate, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku.
    Ueno, K
    Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 1991, (164):1004 - 1008, Refereed
  • 秋吉石灰岩層群の石炭系および下部二畳系有孔虫生層序(秋吉石灰岩層群上部古生界有孔虫類の研究、その1)
    秋吉台科学博物館報告, 1989, 24(24):1 - 39
  • On the tuffaceous conglomerate at northwestern part of Koike in the Sakawa Basin, Shikoku, Japan.
    Sakagami, S; Ueno, K
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 63, Series B (Physical and Biological Sciences), 1987, 63(3):71 - 75, Refereed
  • 堆積盆の発達に関わる海水準変動の評価(研究科特別経費(研究科分,タイプⅠ)研究成果報告)
    Ueno Katsumi
    福岡大学理学集報, 2013, 43(1):111 - 124
  • Report of the Task Group to establish the Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2013, 30:42 - 46
  • Report of the Task Group to establish the Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2011, 29:33 - 34
  • Report of the Task Group to establish the Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2010, 28:36 - 39
  • Report of the Task Group to establish the Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries
    Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2009, 27:14 - 18
  • Report of the Working Group: Neotethys, Paleotethys, and South China intraplatform basin correlations
    Permophiles, 2009, (54):14 - 26
  • ゴンドワナ氷床寒冷期の開始:イラン石灰系炭酸塩岩の堆積学的・地球化学的研究からの証拠
    WATANABE Daisuke; IGO Hisaharu; UENO Katsumi; MATSUMOTO Ryo
    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, 1998, 1998:132 - 132
  • 306 イラン石炭系炭酸塩岩からの温室期末の海洋環境変動の解明
    WATANABE Daisuke; IGO Hisaharu; UENO Katsumi; AIZAWA Shoichi; MATSUMOTO Ryo
    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, 1997, 1997:254 - 254
  • 218 イラン北部エルブールズ山脈における石炭系炭酸塩岩の堆積リズムと同位体組成変動(堆積)
    WATANABE Daisuke; IGO Hisaharu; UENO Katsumi; KAKUWA Yoshitaka; MATSUMOTO Ryo
    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, 20 Mar. 1996, 103:196 - 196
■ Books and other publications
  • 古生物学事典,フズリナの項
    Contributor, 432-434
    朝倉書店, May 2010
  • オックスフォード地球科学辞典
    坂幸恭, Contributor, 生物学・古生物学関連見出し語1220項目
    朝倉書店, 2004
■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • An overview of fusuline succession across the Moscovian-Kasimovian boundary interval and the best correlatable level for the base-Kasimivian
    Ueno, K
    Kasimovian Workshop (Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy), 24 May 2021
  • 長期炭酸塩層序記録の地質媒体としての秋吉石灰岩
    上野勝美; 中澤努; 藤川将之
    日本地質学会第126年年会, 25 Sep. 2019
  • Discrimination of the fusuline genera Verella and Eofusulina and its implications for the base of the Moscovian in the Donets Basin (Ukraine).
    Ueno, K; Villa, E
    XIX International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, 29 Jul. 2019
  • Permian-Triassic Boundary and Lower Triassic carbonate succession in the Sukhothai Zone of mainland Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Tagawa, R; Miyahigashi, A; Kamata, Y; Charoentitirat, T
    XIX International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, 29 Jul. 2019
  • 中部ベトナムHoang Mai層のアニシアン期(中期三畳紀)有孔虫群集.
    上野勝美; Ha Thi Nhu Thuy; 井龍康文
    日本地質学会第125年年会(つくば特別大会), 01 Dec. 2018
  • The Sukhothai Zone in northern Laos: what can we see with Triassic carbonates.
    Ueno, K; Kamata, Y; Uno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P; Vilaykham, K; Martini, R
    The Second International Symposium on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT2018), 19 Nov. 2018
  • New data on Middle Triassic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Hoang Mai Formation, Central Vietnam.
    Ueno, K; Ha; T.T.N; Iryu, Y
    Fifteenth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA XV), 17 Oct. 2018
  • Peri-Gondwanan Permian fusuline fauna from Satun of southern peninsular Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Sardsud, A; Khamcha, C; Tawai, S; Charernmit, J
    16th Gondwana International Conference,, Nov. 2017
  • What have we done for the geology of Southeast Asia?: Our footmarks in the last two IGCP projects on the Eastern/Asian Tethys.
    Ueno, K; Hisada, K; Kamata, Y; Hara, H; Miyahigahi, A; Arai, A; Uno, K; Kuroda, J; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P; Khamphavong, K
    6th International Symposium of IGCP589 (Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes), 30 Sep. 2017
  • Permian fusuline fauna from the Minwun Range, Central Myanmar.
    Ueno, K; Myint Thein; Barber, A. J
    th International Symposium of IGCP589 (Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes), 28 Oct. 2016
  • The Phra That Formation of the Triassic Lampang Group in the Sukhothai Zone, northern Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, A; Tagawa, R; Kamata, Y; Hara, H; Charoentitirat, T
    4th International Symposium of IGCP589 (Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes), 27 Oct. 2015
  • タイ国北部,Lampang層群の下部三畳系炭酸塩サクセション.
    上野勝美; 田川諒; 宮東照; 鎌田祥仁; Thasinee Charoentitirat
    日本地質学会第122年年会, 11 Sep. 2015
  • Synchronous parallelism of four-layered wall in Early Moscovian fusuline evolution: Example from the Donets Basin, Ukraine.
    Ueno, K; Shibata, M; Nemyrovska, T. I
    XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, 12 Aug. 2015
  • Permian and Triassic carbonates in the Oudom Xai‒Luang Namtha area, Northern Laos: Stratigraphical and paleontological constraints for connecting Northern Laos with Northern Thailand.
    Ueno, K; Miyahigashi,A; Kamata, Y; Hisada, K; Hara, H; Uno, K; Charoentitirat, T; Charusiri, P; Kongthiphavong, S; Vilaykham, K; Khamphavong, K
    3rd International Symposium of IGCP589 (Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes), 21 Oct. 2014
  • 北部ラオス,ウドムサイ-ルアンナムタ地域で見出された後期ペルム紀石灰岩:有孔虫群集と地体構造的意義.
    上野勝美; 宮東照; 鎌田祥仁; 久田健一郎; 原英俊; 宇野康司; Charoentitirat Thasinee・Charusiri Punya・Kongthipavong Subin; Vilaykham Khamseng
    日本地質学会第121年年会, 15 Sep. 2014
  • フズリナ生層序と浅海成炭酸塩岩の堆積記録から読み解く揚子地塊の微細な造構運動
    日本古生物学会第163回例会(シンポジウム「古生代化石研究の最前線」), Jan. 2014
  • Deducing subttle epeiric tectonism from shallow-marine stratigraphic record and fusuline biostratigraphy: A case for the late Paleozoic of the Yangtze craton
    2nd International Symposium of IGCP589 (Development of the Asian Tethyan Realm: Genesis, Process and Outcomes), Nov. 2013
  • 四国東部,黒瀬川帯正常堆積層の礫質石灰岩から産出した前期ペルム紀フズリナ化石.
    上野勝美; 宮東照; 栗原敏之; 中村景騎; 原英俊
    日本地質学会第120年年会, 16 Sep. 2013
  • 黒瀬川帯正常堆積層の礫質石灰岩から産出した前期ペルム紀フズリナ化石
    日本地質学会第120年年会, Sep. 2013
  • 南部北上帯,下部ペルム系坂本沢層のフズリナ群集.
    上野勝美; 新谷友彦; 田沢純一
    日本地質学会第119年年会, 15 Sep. 2012
  • 南部北上帯,下部ペルム系坂本沢層のフズリナ群集
    日本地質学会第119年年会, Sep. 2012
  • Carboniferous-Permian biostratigraphic time-scales of Panthalassan and Paleo-Tethyan, mid-oceanic shallow-marine successions
    34th International Geological Congress, Sep. 2012
  • The Paleo-Tethyan mid-oceanic Doi Chiang Dao Limestone in the Inthanon Zone and its implication to the geotectonic subdivision of mainland Thailand
    International Conference on Tectonics of Northwestern Indochina, Feb. 2012
  • 南部中国揚子炭酸塩プラットフォーム,宗地セクションの石炭系Bashkirian-Moscovian境界.
    上野勝美; 浜地桂史; 早川直樹; 星木勇作; 篠原三樹雄; 中澤努; 王玥; 王向東
    日本地質学会第118年年会, 11 Sep. 2011
  • 南部中国揚子炭酸塩プラットフォーム,宗地セクションの石炭系Bashkirian-Moscovian境界
    日本地質学会第118年年会, Sep. 2011
  • Carbonoschwagerina‐mimics from the Zongdi section of South China: new relatives or homeomorphic strangers?
    Ueno, K; Hayakawa, N; Nakazawa, T; Wang, Y; Wang, X
    XVII International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, 05 Jul. 2011
  • The Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundaries — an overview and progress report.
    Ueno, K; Task Group
    XVII International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, 04 Jul. 2011
  • Carbonoschwagerina‐mimics from the Zongdi section of South China: new relatives or homeomorphic strangers?
    Ueno, K; Hayakawa, N; Nakazawa, T; Wang, Y; Wang, X
    XVII International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, Jul. 2011
  • The Moscovian-Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries; an overview and progress report
    XVII International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, Jul. 2011
  • Geotectonic subdivision of the Central Plain of Thailand: A perspective from Permian and Triassic successions.
    Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, M; Kamata, Y; Kato, M; Charoentitirat, T; Limruk, S
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, 26 May 2011
  • Geotectonic subdivision of the Central Plain of Thailand: A perspective from Permian and Triassic successions
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, May 2011
  • Triassic shallow-marine limestone in the Central Plain of Thailand: Its foraminiferal age and geotectonic implications.
    Ueno, K; Miyahigashi, M; Kamata, Y; Kato, M; Charoentitirat, T; Limruk, S
    6th International Symposium of IGCP516 (Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia: Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment in Eastern Tethys), Nov. 2010
  • 南部中国揚子炭酸塩プラットフォームの含Carbonoschwagerinaフズリナ群集:年代と分類学的な問題.
    上野勝美; 早川直樹; 中澤努; 王 玥; 王向東
    日本地質学会第117年年会, Sep. 2010
  • 陸棚型炭酸塩プラットフォームにおける氷室期(石炭-ペルム紀)の堆積サイクルと海水準変動:中国貴州省の例.
    日本地質学会第117年年会,夜間小集会(炭酸塩), Sep. 2010
  • パレオテチス海山型石灰岩とその後期古生代有孔虫群集変遷.
    日本古生物学会2010年年会, Jun. 2010
  • 海山型石灰岩の有孔虫群集から見た後期古生代パレオテチス遠洋浅海域の古生物地理的特徴.
    上野勝美; 宮東照; Tin Tin Latt; T. Charoentitirat; 中澤努; 王向東
    日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会, May 2010
■ Affiliated academic society
  • 日本洞窟学会
  • 米国古生物学会
  • Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research
  • 日本地質学会
  • 日本古生物学会
■ Works
  • ウクライナ,ドネツ炭田地域の後期古生代有孔虫生層序
    1996, Others
  • イランの後期古生代有孔虫類の研究
    1996, Others
  • Late Paleozoic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Donets Basin, Ukraine
    1996, Others
  • Study on Late Paleozoic foraminifers in Iran
    1996, Others
  • Geotectonic evolution of East Asia(Thailand, Southwest China), based on Late Paleozoic foraminifers
    1988, Others
■ Research Themes
  • P/T境界大量絶滅後の三畳紀有孔虫群集における多様性回復過程の研究
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C)
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • パレオテチス収束域における島弧-縁海系の発達・崩壊過程に関する地質学的検証
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Fukuoka University
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016
  • 前期ペルム紀巨大オンコイドの形成とパンサラッサスーパープルームの影響に関する研究
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016
  • 前期ペルム紀スーパープルームと礁生物群集・海洋環境の応答に関する研究
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
    2010 - 2012
  • 上部石炭系年代層序境界模式地策定に向けたフズリナ生層序とサイクロセム対比の統合
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Fukuoka University
    2009 - 2012
  • Moscovian/Kasimovian境界の有孔虫群集変遷とその高精度国際対比
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Fukuoka University
    2004 - 2006
  • タイ・ラオスにおけるゴンドワナ北縁地塊群衝突の地質学的検証
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    University of Tsukuba
    2003 - 2005
  • 石灰質マイクローブ堆積物からみた中・古生界古環境変動と生物進化に関する研究
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Kyushu University
    2001 - 2003
  • 古テチスにおける前期古生代地圏変動と生命圏進化の相互作用
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    2000 - 2003
  • フズリナ上科有孔虫類の分類体系の確立と画像データベースの構築
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Fukuoka University
    2000 - 2003
  • ゴンドワナ北縁地塊群の離散・集合プロセス
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A).
    Fukuoka University
    1999 - 2000
  • 東南アジアの顕生代構造発達史と古生物地理
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    University of Tsukuba
    1996 - 1997
  • 先カンブリア〜カンブリア境界における同位体異常と堆積相、生物相の変遷に関する調査
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    The University of Tokyo
    1995 - 1997
  • Archaediscacea上科有孔虫類の系統分類および生層序に関する研究
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    University of Tsukuba
    1995 - 1997
  • スンダ・バンダ列島の地質構造発達史と古生物地理学的変遷
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    University of Tsukuba
    1995 - 1995
  • インドネシアスンダ列島の構造発達に伴う古生物地理区の起源について
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
    1994 - 1994
  • ゴンドワナ大陸の北進に伴う東南アジアの地質構造発達史と古生物地理的変遷
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    The University of Tsukuba
    1993 - 1994
  • 西南日本内帯の石炭-ペルム系石灰岩から産する小型有孔虫類の分類・生層序学的研究
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A), 奨励研究(A)
    1993 - 1993