Search Details
Last Updated :2024/12/21


Researcher information

■ Degree
  • 医学博士, 九州大学
■ Research Keyword
  • Perioperative medicine
  • Intensive care medicine
  • Anesthesiology
■ Field Of Study
  • Life sciences, Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology


■ Member History
  • 21 Jul. 2019 - 24 Jul. 2021
    評議員, 日本ペインクリニック学会
  • 29 May 2019
    代議員, 日本麻酔科学会
  • 2015
    理事, NPO法人 ABCD sonography

Research activity information

■ Paper
  • Effect of Face Shield Design on the Prevention of Sneeze Droplet Inhalation
    Fujio Akagi; Isao Haraga; Shin-ichi Inage; Kozaburo Akiyoshi
    Physics of Fluids, Mar. 2021, 33(3), Refereed
  • Effect of Sneezing on the Flow Around a Face Shield 【Selected as a Featured Paper】
    Fujio AKAGI; Isao HARAGA; Shin-ichi INAGE; Kozaburo AKIYOSHI
    Physics of fluids, 09 Dec. 2020, 32(12), Refereed
  • 脊髄空洞症を伴うアーノルドキアリ奇形術後の無痛分娩麻酔経験
    SATO Seiko; TIJIIWA Eriko; OWAKI Ryoko; HIGASHI Midoriko; AKIYOSHI Kozaburo
    麻酔, 2020, Refereed
  • 無痛分娩を学ぶ〜歴史から妊婦の気持ちまで〜
    SATO Seiko; IWASHITA Kohei; OWAKI Ryoko; KUMANO Hitomi; GOHARA Akira; TOMINAGA Kenji; TOMINAGA Syozo; TOYAMA Emiko; NAKAMORI Erisa; HARAGA Isao; HIRAI Norimasa; MIMATA Ryosuke; SHIGEMATSU Kenji; AKIYOSHI Kozaburo
    臨床麻酔, 20 Oct. 2019, 43(10):1373 - 1379, Refereed
  • Differences in anatomical relationship between vertebral artery and internal jugular vein in children and adults measured by ultrasonography
    Katsuyuki Matsushita; Ken Yamaura; Yuji Karashima; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Sumio Hoka
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MONITORING AND COMPUTING, Apr. 2016, 30(2):221 - 225, Refereed
  • Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair under general anesthesia does not decrease perioperative myocardial ischemic events compared with open repair.
    Noriko Nanishi; Ken Yamaura; Katsuyuki Matsushita; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Yuji Karashima; Midoriko Higashi; Sumio Hoka
    Open Journal Anesthesiology (2013, 3(2): 84-89), 2013, 3(2):84 - 89, Refereed
  • Myelin specific cells infiltrate MCAO lesions and exacerbate stroke severity
    Xuefang Ren; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Marjorie R. Grafe; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Patricia D. Hurn; Paco S. Herson; Halina Offner
    METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE, Mar. 2012, 27(1):7 - 15, Refereed
  • Recombinant T Cell Receptor Ligands Improve Outcome After Experimental Cerebral Ischemia
    Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Suzan Dziennis; Julie Palmateer; Xuefang Ren; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Halina Offner; Paco S. Herson; Patricia D. Hurn
    TRANSLATIONAL STROKE RESEARCH, Sep. 2011, 2(3):404 - 410, Refereed
  • Androgen Receptor Overexpression Is Neuroprotective in Experimental Stroke
    Patricia Ayala; Masayoshi Uchida; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Jian Cheng; Joel Hashimoto; Taiping Jia; Oline K. Ronnekleiv; Stephanie J. Murphy; Kristine M. Wiren; Patricia D. Hurn
    TRANSLATIONAL STROKE RESEARCH, Sep. 2011, 2(3):346 - 357, Refereed
  • Therapy with recombinant T-cell receptor ligand reduces infarct size and infiltrating inflammatory cells in brain after middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice
    Suzan Dziennis; Sarah Mader; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Xuefang Ren; Patricia Ayala; Gregory G. Burrows; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Paco S. Herson; Patricia D. Hurn; Halina A. Offner
    METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE, Jun. 2011, 26(2):123 - 133, Refereed
  • Regulatory B Cells Limit CNS Inflammation and Neurologic Deficits in Murine Experimental Stroke
    Xuefang Ren; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Suzan Dziennis; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Paco S. Herson; Patricia D. Hurn; Halina Offner
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, Jun. 2011, 31(23):8556 - 8563, Refereed
  • Accuracy of arterial pressure waveform analysis for cardiac output measurement in comparison with thermodilution methods in patients undergoing living donor liver transplantation
    Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Tadashi Kandabashi; Junko Kaji; Ken Yamaura; Hayashi Yoshimura; Kazuo Irita; Sumio Hoka
    JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, Apr. 2011, 25(2):178 - 183, Refereed
  • CD4(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T-cells in cerebral ischemic stroke
    Xuefang Ren; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Patricia D. Hurn; Halina Offner
    METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE, Mar. 2011, 26(1):87 - 90, Refereed
  • Role of dihydrotestosterone in post-stroke peripheral immunosuppression after cerebral ischemia.
    Brain Behav Immun, 2011, 25(34):685 - 695, Refereed
  • Programmed death-1 pathway limits central nervous system inflammation and neurologic deficits in murine experimental stroke.
    Stroke, 2011, 42(9):2578 - 2583, Refereed
  • Estradiol and G1 Reduce Infarct Size and Improve Immunosuppression after Experimental Stroke
    Bing Zhang; Sandhya Subramanian; Suzan Dziennis; Jia Jia; Masayoshi Uchida; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Elton Migliati; Anne D. Lewis; Arthur A. Vandenbark; Halina Offner; Patricia D. Hurn
    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, Apr. 2010, 184(8):4087 - 4094, Refereed
  • The Accuracy of Continuous Thermodilution Method in Comparison with Bolus Cardiac Output Measurement Using Room Temperature Versus Cold Injectates in Cardiac Surgical Patients.
    Circulation Control, 2010, 31:39 - 43, Refereed
  • Performance evaluation of a new pulse oximeter during mild hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass
    K Irita; Y Kai; K Akiyoshi; Y Tanaka; S Takahashi
    ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, Jan. 2003, 96(1):11 - 14, Refereed
  • Effect of coronary artery bypass grafting with gastroepiploic artery on gastric intramucosal pH and systemic inflammation
    K Yamaura; K Akiyoshi; K Irita; S Takahashi
    JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, Dec. 2001, 42(6):723 - 729, Refereed
  • Effects of olprinone, a new phosphodiesterase inhibitor, on gastric intramucosal acidosis and systemic inflammatory responses following hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass
    K Yamaura; K Akiyoshi; K Irita; T Taniyama; S Takahashi
    ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, Apr. 2001, 45(4):427 - 434, Refereed
  • Effect of low –dose milrinone on gastric intramucosal pH and systemic inflammation after hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.
    K Yamaura; H Okamoto; K Akiyoshi; K Irita; T Taniyama; S Takahashi
  • Changes in left ventricular end-diastolic area, end-systolic wall stress, and fractional area change during anesthetic induction with propofol or thiamylal
    Ken Yamaura; Sumio Hoka; Hirotsugu Okamoto; Tadashi Kandabashi; Kozaburo Akiyoshi; Shosuke Takahashi
    Journal of Anesthesia, 2000, 14(3):138 - 142, Refereed
■ Books and other publications
  • 一歩進んだ麻酔管理―常識は常に真実か?
    Joint work
    克誠堂出版, 2019
  • LiSA コレクション ABCD sonography
    Joint work
    メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,, 2017
■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • くしゃみによる気流がフェイスシールド周囲の流動に及ぼす影響
    赤木 富士雄
    日本機械学会第98期流体工学部門講演会, 11 Nov. 2020, 日本機械学会
  • Development of real-time, Anesthesia Information Management System based risk calculation models for intraoperative hypotension
    ANESTHESIOLOGY 2019, 21 Oct. 2019
  • 幼児から成人まで:脳波と近赤外線脳酸素モニターを使いこなそう
    第24回日本心臓血管麻酔学会学術大会, 21 Sep. 2019
  • 急性期における電解質管理の盲点〜イオン化マグネシウム測定の重要性
    日本麻酔科学会第66回学術集会, 2019
  • Advanced Brain monitoring
    日本麻酔科学会第65回学術集会, 2018
  • 周術期管理チームによる医療の質向上への取り組み
    日本麻酔科学会第64回学術集会, 2017
  • 特定行為における より安全な臨床テクニックの紹介
    日本看護倫理学会, 2017
  • 周術期管理の進化〜脳外科医と共有したいポイント
    脳神経外科学会, 2016
  • 成人血管穿刺における血管可視化装置 MillSussTM の有用性
    臨床麻酔学会, 2015
  • 適正かつ効率的な麻酔管理用請求を目指した麻酔診療記録システムの開発
    日本麻酔学会第61回学術集会, 2014
  • タブレット用アプリケーション開発による術前〜術中〜術後に渡るシームレスな麻酔診療
    臨床麻酔学会, 2013
  • 術後2日目に重症僧帽弁逆流によりショック状態となった左心室内粘液腫の一例
    日本心臓血管外科麻酔学会, 2011
  • 麻酔を安心して受けるために
    日本予防医学リスクマネージメント学会, 2011
■ Affiliated academic society
  • 日本麻酔学会
  • 日本心臓血管麻酔学会
  • 日本集中治療医学会
  • 日本ペインクリニック学会
  • 日本医学シミュレーション医学会
  • 日本手術医学会
  • 日本産科麻酔学会
  • 日本医療ガス学会
  • 日本緩和医療学会
  • 日本臨床麻酔学会