Continuous functions between sets with operations
F. Nakaoka; N. Oda
Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica, 2020, 24(1):225 - 239, Refereed
On generalized digital lines
Fumie Nakaoka; Fumikazu Tamari; Haruo Maki
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 2017, 80(1):15 - 34, Refereed
Maximal objects and minimal objects in the sets with operations
F. Nakaoka; N. Oda
Fukuoka University Science Reports, Mar. 2015, 45(1):1 - 7
Interiors and closures in a set with an operation
Fumie Nakaoka; Nobuyuki Oda
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2014, 29(4):555 - 568, Refereed
Minimal closed sets and maximal closed sets
F. Nakaoka; N. Oda
Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., 2006, 2006:1 - 8, Refereed
Some porperties of maximal open sets
F. Nakaoka; N. Oda
Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., 2003, 21:1331 - 1340, Refereed
Some applications of minimal open sets
F. Nakaoka; N. Oda
Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci., 2001, 27(8):471 - 476, Refereed