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Last Updated :2024/12/21
Faculty of Humanities
Research activity information
■ Paper
■ Research Themes
- An Introduction to Blockchain
Larry Kimber; Tony Cripps
Fukuoka University Review of Literature & Humanities, 01 Sep. 2018, 50(2):425 - 438 - An exchange program/paradigm for East Asian university students: English learning through cultural exploration and friendship formation
Larry Kimber
AGON, 01 Dec. 2015, 7(3):32 - 66 - Child Development and the English Language Classroom: Age as a Factor in Learning with Songs and Chants
Kimber Larry; Apple Derrick
福岡大学人文論叢, 01 Dec. 2014, 46(3):583 - 607 - Motivated by Friendships: Exploring Attitudes Toward Learning English via a Cultural Exchange Program Between Japanese and Taiwanese University Students
福岡大学 言語教育研究センター紀要, 01 Dec. 2014, 13(13):135 - 148 - Uncovering Attitudes Toward Bilingualism / Multilingualism at an International University in Japan
The 15th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC 15) & 12th Asia Pacific Conference (APC 12) ~RCAPS 学会プロシーディングス, 13 Nov. 2014, :30 - 33 - Age-appropriateness in learning English through music: Insights from Grade 1-6 teachers at language schools in Japan.
Kimber Larry; Apple Derrick
福岡大学人文論叢, 01 Sep. 2014, 46(2):245 - 261 - Attitudes and Beliefs of Students Toward Bi-/Multilingualism at an International University in Japan
Kimber Larry
Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 01 Sep. 2014, 33(33):139 - 152 - Teacher autonomy in CALL: Reflections on becoming self-dependent with Moodle.
福岡大学 言語教育研究センター紀要, Dec. 2006, (Vol. 5):pp. 19 - 27 - English, power and the global city: Exploring discourses among student teachers of ESL on language endangerment and pedagogical theory.
Polyglossia, 2005, (Vol. 10):pp. 43 - 57 - Online connectivity for CBL learning: The Etextweb project.
Working Papers for the 2003 Conference: Fostering partnership in language teaching and learning. The Language Center - Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology. (Joint publication with Stephen F. Culhane)., 2005 - Motivated language learners and CALL users: Which comes first?
Kimber Larry
Polyglossia, 2004, 9(Vol. 9):pp. 1 - 14 - Pioneering a TESOL teacher education course at an international university in Japan.
Polyglossia (Joint publication with Anthony C. Cripps), 2004, (Vol. 9):pp. 41 - 47 - Balancing the paradigms of educational research.
Polyglossia, 2003, (Vol. 7):21 - 28. - Investigating teachers' theories on computer assisted language learning.
Kimber Larry
The JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 2003, (Vol. 8):pp. 43 - 57 - Language teachers and CALL: Striking a balance between maintaining and exploring pedagogy
Kimber Larry
Polyglossia, 2002, 6(Vol. 6):pp. 35 - 41 - Contact Motivation in SLA: Applying the Intercultural Contact Model to Sojourners at a Japanese University.
Polyglossia (Joint publication with Stephen F. Culhane), 2001, (Vol. 4):pp. 29 - 37 - Incorporating Methodology into Second Language Instruction: A Comparative Study of the Approaches of Vygotsky and Piaget.
Kimber Larry
Bulletin of Beppu Women's Junior College, 2001, (Vol. 21):pp. 9 - 14
- "An exchange program/paradigm for East Asian university students: English learning through cultural exploration and friendship formation," a chapter in the book: Perspectives on English Language Education in Japan (Anthony Cripps, Ed.).
CreateSpace, 01 Jan. 2017
9781536948875 - English Immersion in Japan: Investigating Attitudes of Mainstream Junior High School Students
Joint work
Kyushu University Press, 01 Oct. 2009
- Japanese and International Students’ Assumptions of Bilingualism /Multilingualism in Japan and Their Beliefs about Factors that Characterize Bilinguals /Multilinguals
The Sixth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2014 (National University of Singapore), 04 Dec. 2014 - Uncovering Attitudes Toward Bilingualism / Multilingualism at an International University in Japan
The 12th Asia Pacific Conference “Ethics, Human Security & Sustainability: Knowledge & Practices in Asia Pacific”(Ritsumeikan アジア太平洋大学), 02 Nov. 2014 - Motivated by Friendships: University Students in Taiwan and Japan Rely on English For Intercultural Communication
Language and Society Centre Roundtable 2012 (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia), 17 Feb. 2012 - Examining Fundamental Attitudes Toward Bilingualism in Japan
The Fourth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2010 (National University of Singapore), 02 Dec. 2010 - English Language Education in Japan: Examining the Case for Immersion
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Honolulu, Hawaii), 09 Jan. 2010 - Immersion in Japan: Attitudes toward Using English as the Medium of Communication and Instruction
The Third CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2008 (National University of Singapore), 05 Dec. 2008 - Uncovering Attitudes and Beliefs Toward English Immersion Education in Japan
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Honolulu, Hawaii), 08 Jan. 2008
■ Research Themes