The Particle Mo in Japanese and its Roles in Numeral Indeterminate Phrases
Fumio Mohri
Proceedings of PLC 40 (Pennsylvania Linguistic Conference), Mar. 2017, Refereed
Definiteness Acquisition by L2 English Learners and the Feature Specification in D
Fumio Mohri
福岡大学人文論業, Sep. 2016, 48(2)
Acquisition of Definiteness by L2 Learners of English
Fumio Mohri
福岡大学言語教育センター紀要 13号, Dec. 2014
Comparatives and Degree Nominals: Does Gradability of Events determine the standard of Comparison?
Kaye Takeda
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A Tentative View of Future Expressions
Mohri Fumio
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Quantification in Partitives
Fumio Mohri
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A Study of Quantified Expressions in Japanese
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Plurality and #P
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Asymmetry between Strong and Weak Quantifiers in Floating Quantifier Constructions
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Non-agent Subjects and Sloppy Readings
English Linguistics, 2002, 19(2):29 - 53, Refereed
Degree Nominals in Japanese and Chinese Comparatives
MORI Fumio; TEI Rai
GLOW in Asia 2017, 21 Feb. 2017, Singapore Ministry of Education and NUS Department of English Language and Literature
The Particle Mo in Japanese and its Roles in Numeral Indeterminate Phrases
Fumio Mohri
The 40th Pennsylvania Linguistic Conference, Mar. 2016
毛利 史生
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Comparatives and Degree Nominals
Fumio Mohri; Kaye Takeda
The Fourteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 08 Mar. 2013
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A Kind-based Analysis of Frequency Adjectives
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毛利史生; 林幸代 鄭磊
日本言語学会 第139回大会, 28 Nov. 2009